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TracTuff Inline Thermostat

€144.99 - €309.99
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Looking to add a thermostat to your electric water pump? 

An electric water pump is an efficient way to cool your engine but depending on how you have the system designed... it may be hard to get the engine up to temp or to keep the system cool because water doesn't sit in the radiator long enough to exchange heat. This inline thermostat will fix that!
We offer a few options...
1. Direct Mount - Mounts to the inlet side of the pump w/ a -12 AN male and you can choose either a 1.250" Hose or -16 Male Flare on the other side that connects to the radiator hose. 
2. Remote Mount - Mounts anywhere you have room on the lower radiator hose and you can choose 1.250" In/Out or -16 Male Flare In/Out on either side of the thermostat. If choosing 1.250" In/ Out with a bypass... its more expensive due to the need to extend the outlet in order to add the bypass port.
3. Coolant Bypass - Bypasses coolant when the thermostat is closed, allowing water to move through the block and head until the thermostat opens. Choose one port to connect to the bottom port on our A2 upper water neck or the port on our Z3 water bypass adapter. Choose a second port for connection to a heater core or an accessory, such as a water-cooled turbo.
NOTE: Made to Order - Contact for ETA - If you are interested in a specific hose connection type not listed, please email us at prior to ordering or make sure you add the request in the notes.